Blaksley Bliss Society
Make a World of Difference to Others
Ada Wood was a generous benefactor to Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and the Blaksley Library. In the 1970s she set up an endowment in honor of her late sister, which continued after Wood's death in 2001. This wonderful gift has continued through the decades, and it currently funds our archivist position at the Garden. Like Wood, your planned giving can have a lasting impact on the Garden for generations to come.
You can ensure a vibrant future for the Garden by including us in your estate plans. Individuals who provide for the Garden in their estate plans through a bequest, life income gift, life insurance policy, or other plan are invited to join the Blaksley Bliss Society. The Blaksley Bliss Society is named in honor of the Garden's founder, Anna Dorinda Blaksley Bliss.
If you have already included the Garden in your plans or would like further information, please fill out our Planned Giving Notification Form.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Gifts from your IRA are a smart way to support the Garden and may have significant additional tax benefits depending on current legislation.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust & Annuity Trust
Your gift of a charitable remainder unitrust allows the Garden to receive assets in the trust at least once a year for the duration of your lifetime or up to 20 years.
Charitable Lead Trust
Through a charitable lead trust, you enable the Garden to access a trust which contributes yearly, up to 20 years. Your family receives the trust remainder at substantial tax savings.